Model-Based Design and the Model-Based Enterprise

Model-Based Design Reinforces the Value of the Digital Thread

Introduction by Dick Bourke

What manufacturing company hasn't faced unnecessary rework, confusion on the shop floor and thus missed delivery dates? The cause can repeatedly be traced to unclear, ambiguous documentation often found in 2D drawings.

Help is at hand, fortunately. An evolving solution for authoring product definition and design intent, sourced at the CAD models, is gaining recognition.  The solution is Model-Based Definition (MBD), a foundational element of a comprehensive initiative called Model-Based Enterprise (MBE) that brings the benefits of good, complete and usable CAD models to an organization and its suppliers.

In a recent discussion, Jennifer Herron, CEO of Action Engineering, asserted, “As a key benefit, MBE is an enabler for bringing the culture of discrete manufacturing into a rapid deployment of innovative products through unambiguous definition of the product.”

Jennifer Herron, CEO of Action Engineering

For viewing our full discussion, see How MBD and MBE Can Fix Your CAD Models. In addition to some basic concepts, you’ll read about the significance of the Digital Thread.