Thu, Feb 25, 2021 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM PST
Most products within a product family have numerous configuration differences based on the availability of the materials, unit number, and manufacturing plant/site, among other factors. Many of these differences are time and location sensitive. Effectivity is a process of identifying and managing these differences. Effectivity is different from variability: variability is driven by the choices the consumer makes for sought functionality and user experience while effectivity captures internal changes and realities.
Effectivity Services on the Aras Innovator Platform enable managing effectivity on different product structures. Managing effectivity on the Part BOM is the most common case, and the Product Engineering application incorporates effectivity as part of its comprehensive Bill of Material configuration management capabilities. The most effective approach to manage the product data is to have a single, overloaded structure that consolidates the common content and identifies the differences by use of effectivity.
Join Ayla Singhal, Product Manager at Aras, for a 30-minute demonstration to learn more about effectivity in Aras Innovator, including how to:
Manage effectivity conditions on parts in the product BOM
Make the effectivity conditions as simple or complex as your business requires
Filter out the product BOM for a specific configuration via effectivity criteria
View the configuration using different modes, such as Latest, or Latest Released
Configure additional effectivity variables used in your business processes